A path to manifest the life you want for smart neurodivergent minds

Cosmic Stew is a membership community for neurodiverse people where you can access the tools, membership, and support you need to manifest the life you want (without hating yourself in the process).

If you’ve tried to will yourself into getting things done (with less than great results), and you want to manifest without the drama, this program is for you.


You deserve a life of ease. 

Neurodivergence shouldn’t mean…

  • You have to struggle to get things done

  • You are isolated or misunderstood

  • Or that traditional manifestation tools aren’t for you

You just need the right guide to show you how to make these tools work for you.

Does the thought of more self compassion and less anxiety sound good?

Do you crave a community of like-minded people who accept you exactly the way you are?

If you knew exactly how to manifest the life you actually want, would you want that?

If you answered ‘YES!’ you are exactly who Cosmic Stew was made for.

What is Cosmic Stew?

An online membership program that is part group coaching, part community, and part customized tools to manifest your specific goals.

Led by Master Coach Sarah Yost, you’ll get the support you need to let go of the habits that have kept you stuck, unlock your potential, and create the life you want, without working harder.

If you have struggled to get things done and wondered, “WTF is wrong with me?” this program will show you there is NOTHING wrong with you. You just haven’t had access to someone who can mentor you in a way that makes sense to your brain.

Instead of beating yourself up, you’ll learn how to move through challenges with self compassion.

This program is specifically designed for neurodivergent minds. That means you can finally create a life with more peace, calm, and most importantly…motivation.

Here’s What You’ll Get…

Weekly Group Coaching Call with Sarah

Learn and practice new manifestation tools, connect with like minded community, get coaching on whatever you’re working with each week and listen to others get coached.

Not only will you get your own questions, you get the benefit of learning from other people’s questions (usually ones you would never have thought to ask). Seeing your fellow Cosmic Stew members go through the same challenges as you provides a sense of normalization and belonging that makes everything easier.

We meet every Tuesday at 2pm CST on Zoom

Can’t make it live? You’ll get access to the replay on our…

Private Podcast Feed

Exclusive content for Cosmic Stew members that includes:

  • Group coaching replays

  • Customized practices, assignments and journal prompts

So you never have to miss out even if you can’t be there live. You’ll know exactly what steps to take between calls and build momentum.

Monthly Private Session With Sarah

This 45 minute session is the perfect place to deepen this work. This is a safe container with a compassionate guide to look at anything you want to take deeper than you would on the weekly call. 

Your private session will accelerate your progress in a powerful way.

Private weekly coaching with Sarah is $10,000 for 6 months. She only works with a few clients at a time. Cosmic Stew is a great hybrid where you get coaching and community for less money and less time and energy investment.

Private Community

Our members-only Facebook community is the place to deepen your connections with your fellow members, give and receive support, and stay accountable between sessions.

Your investment

Your Cosmic Stew membership is $250/month. Stay as long or as little as you’d like.


Members of Cosmic Stew are:

  • Smart, neurodivergent and up to big things. Many are business owners; some are students or employed full time. 

  • Heart-centered people tired of stressing and overthinking and ready to accomplish their goals with ease

  • Ready to commit to their personal growth. 

  • Smart and a little bit weird (in the best way). Hungry for real connections and unafraid of the word “fuck.”Smart and a little bit weird (in the best way). Hungry for real connections and unafraid of the word “fuck.”

Is that you? Join us.


Hi. I’m Sarah Yost. Here’s the story of why I created Cosmic Stew–a transformative path designed specifically for smart, introspective and neurodivergent folks who want to manifest the life they truly want. 

As someone who identifies as neurodivergent myself, I intimately understand the unique challenges and strengths that come with navigating the world through a different lens.

Many of the popular approaches to a better life don’t work for me. In fact, they often make things worse.

With 3 decades of experience in bodywork, holistic wellness, and personal development, I’ve dedicated myself to understanding how to work with neurodivergence to harness its inherent power.

My journey started with a 12-step recovery program, then I got formal training in creative writing and education, where I studied human behavior and motivation in order to craft quality stories and inspire students to learn. This foundation led me to get countless trainings and certifications in various modalities, including yoga, meditation, and Masters Level coaching

Through 13 years of working 1:1 with clients, and learning the most efficient and gentle technologies of change, I’ve crafted Cosmic Stew – a program specifically tailored to meet your neurodivergent needs. 

By combining evidence-based practices with intuitive wisdom, Cosmic Stew offers a unique approach to manifestation that honors the diverse ways in which we experience the world.

My commitment to authenticity, safety and vulnerability fuels my work, allowing me to connect with you on a profound level and create meaningful shifts in your life.

Through Cosmic Stew, we’ll embark on this adventure together and watch as the universe unfolds its magic before our very eyes. I invite you to join me.

There’s an easier way…

Enough already with overthinking, doubting yourself, and falling short of what you know you’re capable of if only you could get out of your own way

Enough already with the anxiety hum always buzzing in the background. The tense muscles, the falling short of what you damn well know you’re capable of if only you could get out of your own way.

Guess what?

The very things that make life exhausting for neurodivergent folks? These are exactly what will make you successful.  

Your inability to do one thing that you think you should do when you think you should be doing it–this is your incredible intuition stopping you from doing stuff that’s misaligned with your dreams. 

I lived a whole life feeling embarrassed about how I function. Still do sometimes. It was always too messy, too undisciplined, too inconsistent–all things I thought were required for success.

Until I started harnessing Law of Attraction and simple focus techniques–
that’s when things got real fucking simple. 

I started feeling a whole lot more alive.

Liking myself (and my beloveds) a whole lot more.

Getting more of what matters done.

There's an easier way—a way that honors your unique journey, embraces your inherent power, and invites you to co-create with the universe.

It's called Cosmic Stew.

Imagine a life where…

Manifestation feels effortless

Synchronicities abound

You're fully aligned with your deepest desires…

That's the magic of Cosmic Stew.

Through a blend of evidence-based practices, intuitive wisdom, and a sprinkle of cosmic magic, Cosmic Stew offers a fresh perspective on manifestation—one that's as unique as you are.

Whether you're a seasoned manifestor or just dipping your toes into the cosmic waters, there's something here for everyone.

But perhaps the most beautiful aspect of Cosmic Stew is the community it fosters. You'll be surrounded by like-minded souls who are on their own journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we'll lift each other up, celebrate our wins, and hold space for one another as we navigate the cosmic currents.

So, what are you waiting for? The universe is calling, and it's time to answer. Join me in the Cosmic Stew program and let's co-create the life of your dreams, one cosmic ingredient at a time.

With love,
